Wednesday, December 8, 2010

News on Nathan

Hi Everyone!

So many of you have written of your promises to pray!  We feel completely uplifted, supported and loved in a way that is actually surprising. But I am so blessed by your love! I am convicted that we MUST love lavishly!  God is love - and they will know we are His by our  love!  We are loved by you all - and I am so blessed!

Today was a hard day.  We thought the ventilator was coming out, but it didn't.  Nathan was trying to open his eyes, but still showed difficulty with following commands.  The doctors are still optimistic that we could extubate  him, but while trying to prepare him for the procedure, he began to vomit.  Luckily, staff was quick to clean him up - and none of that got into his lungs.  As he came into the E.R., he had vomited and aspirated it - into his lungs, resulting in pneumonia.  (Sorry for the graphic content)    Nate's latest CT scans show improvement, and the swelling is reduced-- and basically, the doctor's words for us were; "This is a waiting game...  and it's normal!"  None of this seems normal in any way to us!  But as a dear friend just reminded me:  "The name of the Lord is a strong tower.  The righteous run to it and are safe.  Proverbs 18:10  and "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind."  2  Timothy 1:7

Our prayer requests:

1.  Nathan would be taken off the ventilator at the appropriate time, and that he would be calm and not aggitated.

2.  I asked the neuro-surgeon  what his #1 concern was.  He answered "his speech".  Please pray that there is no damage to Nathan's speech. 

3.  I would ask that there is NO permanent damage at all

4.  We want God to get ALL of the glory through his trial.  He can be glorified in complete healing, or in dealing with a physical deficit.  We ask that we have peaceful hearts no matter what the outcome.

Our God is a mighty God!  No matter what...  He is good!

I love you ALL~


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